Appearance: Mission 1
You must collect this orb before you actually begin Mission 1. To get it, jump onto the bridge and run into the tower. You can kick-jump onto the bridge too.
Appearance: Mission 1
This one is in the main hall with the horserider statue. Kick jump up into the alcove on the left side of the hall to get it. |
Appearance: Mission 1
After entering the red door that requires 45 red orbs to unseal, break the statues in the room to reveal a blue orb fragment. |
Appearance: Mission 1
Jump into the left pool of water in the trident room. |
Appearance: Mission 1
Jump onto the biplane wing. |
Appearance: Mission 2
This one's in the study room at the starting end of the long corridor. There will be Beezlebubs in the room only on DMD mode. Slash the table to get the orb fragment. |
Appearance: Mission 3
Stinger Lvl 1 or 2 is a must. After defeating the Sargassoes underwater, kick jump onto the top of the arch of the door and stinger off towards the floating platform you see. |
Appearance: Mission 3
The blue orb fragment is back on the other side of the bridge in front of the tablet where there're lots of red orbs. You can either Stinger or jump normally from platform to platform, or just jump into the water and emerge on the other side of the bridge. |
Appearance: Mission 4
There's two ways of getting this fragment. Kick-jump up through the invisible hole in the roof to the right of the Castellan's bedroom balcony door. Turn left to see the blue orb in the tower to your right and a nearly invisible tower to the left. Kick-jump up onto the left tower, being careful not to fall down and trigger the boss fight if you're on Mission 4. On the left tower, 100 red orbs will float down and there's an Untouchable too. (Woo..) DT, then jump and fly over to the right hand tower.
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The second way is to use Air Hike. Kick-jump up through the roof as before. Air Hike over to the left tower, then do a slightly tricky Air Hike over to the right hand one. Stand as far to the right edge as you can, swivel clockwise, then Air Hike across and grab the edge of the jutting-out platform. It might take a few tries, but it shouldn't be too difficult to do. |
Appearance: Mission 6
At the beginning of Mission 6, run north towards a dead end and jump towards the alcove by the corner for a blue orb fragment to appear.
Note: You must pick up this orb to trigger Secret Mission 5 in the next mission. |
Appearance: Mission 8
After defeating Phantom for the final time, Stinger off the edge of the upper courtyard on to the ledge below. Or you can kick-jump onto the ledge using either of the two horse statues. |
Appearance: Mission 8
After using the trident, run as fast as you can down to the castle's anteroom. (No need to DT.) If the portcullis looks very low, Stinger underneath it. Jump into the right hand pool of water to pick up the orb fragment. |
Appearance: Mission 9
Keep going to the right of the door leading into the field where you fought Blades - you will come to a hidden passageway. Go up it to find a stone tablet which you can slash back to reveal an orb fragment. |
Appearance: Mission 11
In the well, defeat all the Blades and the blue orb fragment will appear in the centre of the well. |
Appearance: Mission 11
In the area with a well in the center, kick-jump up to the top to drop down inside the glass corridor. You can also Stinger across from the platform where you pick up a Devil Star. |
Appearance: Mission 12 or 13
There is only one way to get this orb fragment and that is by Stingering from the top of the mast onto the ship's prow.
This blue orb fragment can be just as easily picked up at the beginning of Mission 13. After that, though, it will no longer be available. |
Appearance: Mission 13
You can get this orb fragment during Mission 13 or in the intermission between Mission 13 and 14 which follows.
Just swim down into the ship's basement. You may as well shoot the barrel to your right for 100 red orbs. |
Appearance: Mission 14
Before you enter the door at the end to start Mission 14, dive into the lake where you start out with the recently-wrecked ship and swim to grab the blue orb fragment. |
Appearance: Mission 14
Whilst standing in front of the elevator, Air Hike over to the ledge to the right. If you don't have Air Hike, then getting onto the ledge is more tricky. You can do a difficult kick jump off the left hand pillar to grab hold of the edge of the circular roof and pull yourself up. (Be prepared for it to take several tries.)
From the circular roof you can go one of two ways. You can Stinger or fly directly over to the ledge, or you can take the long way round. The longer way will yield 40 red orbs and a yellow orb. Not that impressive really. Anyway, Stinger over to the lower right hand ledge from the circular roof, and kick jump up to the highest ledge with the yellow orb. From there, face right and Stinger off it to the ledge with the blue orb fragment below.
Alternatively, you can just do a kick jump off the left hand pillar, DT, and fly over to the ledge. If low on DT, it can be built from the enemies in the cliffs area. |
Appearance: Mission 14
If you have Air Hike, just run down the path (keeping as close to the wall in possible in DMD mode to avoid the boulders) and - at about 2-3 metres from the end of it - Air Hike up to the ledge where the blue orb is.
The alternative way is to jump down the cliffs until you reach the entrance lower down. Clamber through the inside of the cliff to emerge at the bridge at the top. (I don't advise crossing this in DMD mode because of the boulders.) Cross the bridge and, on the other side, do a single jump to the right to land on the ledge with the blue orb below. |
Appearance: Mission 15
Go to the Blue Emblem Shield area to pick up this orb fragment. If you're careful, you can break the cracked wall without awaking the Fetishes.
Don't forget to smash the small gold urn for 1000 red orbs whatever you do. |
Appearance: Mission 15
Go to the Red Emblem Emblem Shield area to get this orb fragment. This time it's in the room with the podium where you pick up the Shield Lances or Nightmare Beta from.
You have to light the two dials to lower both bridges, then you have to trigger the appearance of the blue orb before collecting the Lances or Nightmare-Beta.
To trigger the blue orb's appearance, use either wall-jumps or Air Hike to touch the underneath of the podium. With Air Hike, it's easiest if you jump forwards into the screen, then double back on yourself. Once the orb appears, you can use the bridges to cross back to the podium and pick up both the blue orb and the lances
Appearance: Mission 15
Get this one before you trigger the Griffon 3 battle. Take the psychedelic elevator to the top and run or Stinger to the glass centre of the walkway - the blue orb will float down. |
Appearance: Mission 16
You won't miss this one. It's right by the platform you get on after it descends after defeating Griffon 3. This is a rare whole blue orb and not just one quarter of a blue orb. There's only one other such orb in the game and it is to be found in Secret Mission 12 in Mission 21. |
Appearance: Mission 16
In the main hall, kick jump or Air Hike onto the balcony and Stinger off from the top of the time statue. |
Appearance: Mission 16
Pick this orb fragment up in the corner of the main hall - the corner to the right of the staircase and the no-longer-there statue. |
Appearance: Mission 16
Kick jump against the painting at the very end of the corridor to trigger this orb fragment to fall. It can be picked up just as easily in a later mission. (But not the two blue orb fragments which come just before it.) |
Appearance: Mission 17
It's best if you defeat the dragon skeleton first before attempting to get this blue orb piece.
To get this blue orb fragment, jump up onto the ledge running around the left hand side of the room (left from the viewpoint of Dante having his back to the dragon). It isn't obvious, but there is an outside alcove that you can turn into at some point. In the outside alcove, just keep running around in circles until you trigger the fall of the blue orb. |
Appearance: Mission 18
From the start of the mission, go right, left, then left again to reach the room with the barrel. Even if you get lost, the waterways hardly cover a huge area - just keep swimming round until you find it. |
Appearance: Mission 18
Run up the staircase as far as you can go, then take a few steps back and hop-jump over the railing to land on a square platform below - the blue orb piece will drop down.
Another way of getting this blue orb fragment is to light up the dial and fill the tower with water. You can then swim up until you see the square platform and wait over it until the water disappears. Once it does so, the fragment will drop down. |
Appearance: Mission 18
In the arena where you fight Nightmare 2, enter the corridor on the balcony first. There's a huge red orb worth 100 red orbs, plus a blue orb fragment in the corridor. |
Appearance: Mission 19
Jump through the painting into the Castellan's bedroom and pick up the blue orb fragment in the right hand corner of the room. You might possibly have picked up this orb fragment at the end of Mission 16 - if so, it won't be here now. |
Appearance: Mission 19
In the courtyard in the mirror world, kick jump or Air Hike onto the right hand tower, the same as you did previously in Mission 4. Position yourself above the blue orb hanging in mid-air, then press triangle to drop down and pick it up.
As you pick up the blue orb, notice out of the corner of your eye another blue orb dropping down in the left hand tower... |
Appearance: Mission 19
You can only get this orb when you've picked up the previous blue orb above. Jump back onto the right hand tower and then either Air Hike or DT and fly over to the left hand tower. Don't worry that the blue orb isn't visible - it won't appear until you land inside the tower. |