Dante heads to Mallet Island
after a run-in with a woman named Trish, who
barges into his shop and requests his assistance
in ridding the world of demons for good. She
states that Mundus, a demon Sparda had defeated
two millenia ago was looking to return and rule
the human world. Seeing that Mundus is behind
all of this, Dante brings Force Edge, his father's
sword, along.
After arriving at Mallet Island and confronting
Mundus' generals - Nightmare, Griffin, Nelo
Angelo and Phantom, Dante defeats each one,
while discovering that one of the generals is
in fact Vergil, his twin brother. After the
Vergil's final defeat, Dante acquires the other
half of the amulet. Combining them together
along with his father's Force Edge, he reawakens
the Force Edge's true form - Sparda, and treks
on into the Demon World. While in a battle with
Nightmare, Trish betrays Dante and revives Nightmare
for one more go.
Dante, however, manages to defeat Nightmare
again, triggering something within Nightmare
to cause it to fire wildly before finally being
destroyed. In the chaos that ensues, Trish almost
gets crushed by a falling pillar but Dante saves
her out of the fact that she looks like his
mother. This troubles Trish greatly, as she
doesn't completely understand.
After the final battle with Nightmare, Dante
finally reaches Mundus's lair. During their
'talk', Mundus shows Dante Trish who is hung
high up on a wall. During the short moment Dante
is distracted, Mundus shoots some spikes at
him, locking his movements. He is about to finish
him off when Trish jumps in front of Dante and
saves his life while giving up her own. In his
rage, Dante devil triggers, channeling Sparda's
power through himself to gain his father's form
and promptly defeats Mundus.
After returning from the battle to Trish's
body, he leaves the pendants and the Sparda
Sword with her.
Returning to the castle, an injured mutated
Mundus confronts Dante again. In the midst of
their battle, Trish returns and tells Dante
to use her power, channeling her energy through
him. Dante does so and seals Mundus again with
a classic move from his younger days. After
this, Trish and Dante escape the island on a
plane as it collapses and become partners. |