A giant and hostile monster that possesses prodigious strength and agility.
Appearance: Mission 3
Strategy: Shoot from afar and dodge only when he does his wave ball and leap attacks. (Easy, eh?) |
Description: A two-headed giant who disregarded the law of the demon world, and has been confined in the deepest prison.
Appearance: Mission 12 / Mission 8 (Lucia)
Strategy: Shoot from afar and jump away from the laser beams or stay on a 'safe spot' in between the beams. Since the positioning of the beams never change, you can practically stand on the furthest 'safe spot' from the boss and shoot him to death. |
Description: A giant and mighty demon who dwells in the water.
Appearance: Mission 4 / Mission 3 (Lucia)
Strategy: Stand on the top left/right corner, target the main body and shoot nonstop. Jump only when the tentacles swing to attack. |
Description: A giant monster with a name that means "Tower of Disaster."
Appearance: Mission 6
Strategy: Shoot... He barely knows how to hit you. |
Description: The decapitated head of Nefasturris. It is also known as the "Head of Disaster."
Appearance: Mission 6
Strategy: Keep dodging/jumping to one side until he does the mouth attack (he shoots dozens of white spikes). Then dodge all the way around and towards its back and slash away. |
Description: Haunted by death, agony, and resentment of the condemned, its four limbs are still in flames.
Appearance: Mission 8
Strategy: Shoot from afar and dodge towards the screen whenever he tries to suck you in with his wind. Double jump over him when he charges head-on at you. |
Description: A mersmerizing giant moth that dwells in the demon world.
Appearance: Mission 10 / Mission 6 (Lucia)
Strategy: Keep shooting. Just stay away from the larva, or if they're annoying you, purposely get eaten and struggle the hell out for an instant kill. Pick up the tiny green orbs around the area if you're low on health. |
Description: The Demon warrior who had once fought against Sparda.
Appearance: Mission 11 & 16
Strategy: Shoot from afar. This dude's long ass sword ain't no joke; it'll get you halfway across the battlefield so stay as far away from his reach as possible and jump a lot. Use the missile launcher for better damage. |
Freki & Geri
Description: This wolf-like servant-demon serves Bolverk. It may be a reincnarnated figure of a warrior whom Bolverk has fought alongside.
Strategy: These wolves fight along Bolverk and are majorly annoying. They move around a lot and only stand still shortly once in a while. I suggest taking them down first before Bolverk. (Shoot...) |
Description: Giant demon that has spider-shaped body and the body fluid made of lava.
Appearance: Mission 14
Strategy: DT and slash away at his face or shoot from afar. You can easily dodge all his attacks to the side. |
Description: Demon fish that has the ability to become invisible by assimilating its body to water.
Appearance: Mission 7 (Lucia)
Strategy: Shoot with the bow gun. Target only works when it turns visible. Don't stay in one spot for too long. Cranky bomb works way better on DMD since Tateobesu is invisible 100% of the time and you can't target it. |
Description: A two-headed giant who disregarded the law of the demon world, and has been confined in the deepest prison.
Appearance: Mission 2 (Lucia)
Strategy: Shoot. They're just like Plutonian. |
Description: The great sorcerer who runs the international enterprise, Uroboros.
Appearance: Mission 13 & 17, Mission 11 (Lucia)
Strategy: Get around the table he sits on and attack him from his back. He can't hit you that way, but be careful of the other enemies, especially his secretaries/Abyss Goats. |
Description: This beautiful artificial creature is created from Arius's knowledge on magic and science.
Strategy: These Lucia clones fight with Arius in M17 and attack real fast and continuously. They'll probably be the only enemies who'd really stop you from getting to Arius so you may want to kill them off first. Melee attacks will be risky, so just shoot. |
Description: Oracles who have the knowledge of demon world.
Appearance: Mission 16, Mission 12 (Lucia)
Strategy: Shoot. (You dont' really have a choice) When all the faces combine into one, DT and shoot. Until then, try your best to continuously dodge all their magic attacks. |
Description: The king once ruled most of the demon world and subdued all the demons, but was defeated by Sparda.
Appearance: Mission 18
Strategy: Each face on the giant blob is a different boss from DMC1 & 2. You can shoot it to death but you'll need to dodge their attacks. Most of their attacks can be dodged using the dodge (O) button. |
Despair Embodied
Description: Possessing an androgynous perfect body and awesome dignity, he is sometimes worshipped.
Appearance: Mission 18
Strategy: Shoot from afar. (I don't think you have a choice?) On DMD, 2 Devil Stars + maxed out handguns is enough to kill him. |
Possessed Arius
Description: His humanity has already been lost, and now his appearance and behavior are becoming like those of the demons.
Appearance: Mission 13 (Lucia)
Strategy: Shoot from afar until you gain enough DT, then run towards his back and attack until your DT is depleted. Dodge/jump from his attacks to one side (they're slow). |
Arius Argosax
Description: The chaotic appearances depict the chaotic demon world, and its spirit is as sinister as it gets.
Appearance: Mission 13 (Lucia)
Strategy: Keep shooting from afar. |