Note: Keep in mind that once the pawns reach the other end they’ll transform, also the Rooks will summon a lot of enemies. The only constant is the King and Queen.
Strategy 1
You’ll need a lot of patience for this fight and this mission in general. OK, don’t hit ANYTHING at all, absolutely nothing. You’ll be swamped with enemies before you know it but you won’t have to deal with a DT’d king. Stand at the far back and target the Queen until she activates, then dodge her attacks. She reacts to enemy hits, so if you hit an enemy or herself she’ll target you.
Lure her to a corner so that you’re boxed in and jump guard her 3 times. This gives you a full DT bar. Now keep track of her until the King activates. Make sure that the first hit you give him is a BASIC release. (NEVER DTE in this fight)
After that, head back to the Queen and get yourself cornered again. If things are a bit hectic, use roll guarding instead but be extra careful of the Bishops - they are surprisingly accurate. Once you have a full rage bar again, go back to the King and deal the damage. Now simply wail on him with Beowulf or Rebellion until he dies. This will of course provoke the Queen so be careful.
Strategy 2
Set up - Quicksilver/E&I + K Ann/Reb + Beo
From the start simply stand well back and wait for the Queen to activate, then keep track of her until the King activates (you can tell by a very slight change in music). Alternatively target the King and continuously do Killer Bee rebounds until he awakes. This will however cause some unwanted attention to congregate in a single location.
When the king does activate, give him a shot with E&I and from then on NEVER LOSE HIS TARGET. Chase after him and if he is a Killer Bee’s distance away, Air Hike, K Bee, activate Time Lag and batter him (with Beowulf basic) until he teleports again. Remember to always taunt when he teleports (with QS deactivated of course). Do this repeatedly for the entire fight, refilling DT to at least 3 gauges if it goes below.