Start off charging your DTE. The key to this entire stage is speed. It has
a very difficult requirement to maintain, hence Real Impact should be done whenever possible, though most crowd control should be dealt with
using K Ann.
Once the battle begins,
immediately run towards the back and Real Impact the charger on the wall behind
you (don’t worry about pushing O next
to it, no text will come up). You will have 2
Lusts and a Glutton hunting you at this point,
so run directly to the other side of the room
and Real Impact the other charger ASAP (DO NOT
stop to attack the enemies). Once that is done,
go directly to the center of all 3 enemies
(which should all be piled up pretty close to
you) and DTE them. This will clear the entire
first wave.
Now don’t hesitate. Run directly
in front of the charger you just hit so the
Sloth will appear right next to you, allowing
you to hit it with heavy damage before the timer
runs out. A combo that does high damage other
than Real Impact is:
Un DT’d enemy
— 2 hits from Rebellion – High Time
– 3 Hits from Aerial Rave – Hammer
– Helm Breaker
DT’d Enemy — K
Ann Blast – Real Impact – Tornado
– (Jump cancel from Tornado into
E & I shots when it is about to finish,
then as you get closer, hit the enemy with a
Hammer and immediately start shooting with E &
I. You can Hammer an enemy 3 times before it
actually takes effect, in which case come down
with a Helm Breaker then repeat (if possible/safe
to do so). This is a very fast way of killing
DT’d enemies while maintaining style.
You will now be greeted by 2 Sloths and
a Glutton, so combo the Sloth you are close to with
the first combo before it has a chance to DT.
Once the timers deactivate, do not stop attacking
the Sloth you have started attacking until he
is down to 2 bars of health. (with a bit of
extra damage done for good measure). Once he
is down to that health, target the next
Sloth and do the same thing. Make sure you
have full DT after both are beaten down to
2 bars. (Knockdown any other enemies with K
Ann if it is required) After both are down, quickly Real Impact both chargers on both walls. Then once again, get
into the center of the enemies and DTE.
Stand just slightly to the right of the charger and
prepare for the next wave of enemies.
2 Wraths will appear
with a Glutton beside them. Gun down the Wrath
where you are standing and AS soon as a Lust appears near you, Stinger him (he will
DT very soon after!). This wave will now consist
of a Glutton, Lust and Sloth. Kill the Lust
you have knocked down using the DT combo above, and
then work on any one of the Sloths. The Glutton roaming
around will rarely be a problem since it's slow in attack.
IF at any time now you acquire a full DT, Real Impact both charges again, only this time you need
to knock down an enemy to ease the process. You only need enough time for the DTE
to hit them all un DT’d (do this only once
or time will be wasted). The remaining Sloths will continuously
re-spawn, followed by the final Wrath. If it
is DT’d, don’t be afraid to do 1
close range K Ann shot to speed up its explosion. Once it's down, there should be
about 2 Sloths and a Glutton (if it is still
alive) remaining. Use the combos above to finish them off. This concludes Trial of Warrior.
Note: Proceed
to the “Trial of Wisdom”. In case you
don’t know the right order of doors to enter, follow below:
4 red dots door > 2 red dots door > 3 red dots door
Once you are in the final room be sure to collect
all the orbs on top of the beams above. This
concludes mission 6.