This speed run guide/walkthrough is written according to CaT's playstyle
on a fresh run on EASY mode. Best for intermediate and above players.
Stage 8-1
(Minimum Aim: ~3 min 20 sec)
Run forward, pick up the wood post on the ground and back flip away immediately. Now turn to your left and around the pillar where a red thug stands to catch his attention. Once he's singled out, use the wood post to kill him quickly.
The moment he's dead, 3 other red thugs should appear from a room on the other side. Pick up the katana on the ground nearby and use its launch attack to take out majority of all 3 of their health, then kill them ASAP. If any of them drops a green/gold card and your orbs is refilled to at least 3, use La Bomba 2 on the remaining 4 enemies by the gate and kill off the surviving ones quickly. If you have 2 orbs, use Typhoon Kick instead.
Once they're all dead and the gate opens, go to the left of the gate and break the 2 barrels at the corner for a gold card. Now that you have at least 3 orbs again (this is a must!), get past the gate and enter the next half of the area.
As the battle begins, run to the right side and turn 180 degrees around when you reach the wall and wait for the enemies to come. The moment you see them form one straight line, accurately perform Shaolin Blast to wipe out all of them in a flash. Against the trident demon, unleash godhand once and that should be enough to kill him off.
Once he's down, run past the gate and before you enter the tower door, turn to the left and run to the end where there's a gold chest. Open it for a gold card and then enter the tower door.
Stage 8-2: Gorilla Mask
(Minimum Aim: ~1 min 45 sec)
Run up the stairs and enter the door to fight Gorilla Mask again. From the get go, unleash godhand and do a Super Gorilla Suplex at the end and that'll take out about 60% of his health. Take out his remaining health by sticking him against the wall (try your best) and attack aggressively to dizzy him for another Super Gorilla Suplex. Try to save your TP and at least 2 orbs for later.
When he's down, exit the room, run up the stairs and break the vase there for a strawberry and a green card. Then enter the next area.
Stage 8-3: Obese Ninja
(Minimum Aim: ~55 sec)
Once the battle begins, run to the side of the room and try to get all 3 of the fatties together against the wall. When they're lined up good enough, perform Shaolin Blast and that should do it.
Exit the room, run up the stairs and break the vases there for a banana and a bikini card. Then enter the next area.
Stage 8-4: Afro Fist
(Minimum Aim: ~1 min 15 sec)
Unleash godhand immediately on the zebra-striped lady first and then the Conchita clone. Conchita gets dizzy easily so make sure to get in 2 Yes Man Kablaams before you spank her. She might still be alive after that so quickly catch up and kill her before Afro Fist joins the fight.
Against Afro Fist, unleash godhand and punch as fast as possible to dizzy him at the end. Add a few more punches (instead of Yes Man Kablaam) before you do the suplex and he should be pretty much dead.