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District Merry Creatures

This is an absolute random thing I came up with while drawing a picture of DMC for halloween for the forum. I seriously love the killer bunny and one random day I got motivated to try turn this into a comic series so here it is... I get unmotivated again very easily so let's just hope this lasts... >_<!

Note: The art is meant to be sloppy and sketchy-looking... There is also no framing. I draw whatever and however I like.

Copyright: DMC doesn't belong to me but these drawings do. Please ask for permission before using them for any reason.

Last updated: 6 June 2007

Pg 1 | Pg 2 | Pg 3 | Pg 4 | Pg 5 | Pg 6 | Pg 7 | Pg 8 | Christmas | Pg 9
Apology | Pg 10 | Pg 11

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