Standard Moves -------++
Normal Shot
Powerful buckshot with a devastating spread. A close range hit will deliver incredible damage.
Charged Shot
By infusing bullets with accumulated magical energy, they are capable of delivering even more damage.
Press and hold until the glow coming from your arms grows stronger. |
Charged Shot 2
An attack with an increased number of magically charged bullets.
Press and hold until the glow coming from your arms grows stronger. |
Charged Shot 3
An attack with an increased number of magically charged bullets.
Press and hold until the glow coming from your arms grows stronger. |
Gunslinger moves -------++
An aerial display of Fireworks.
While in mid-air, press O |
While Lock-on is engaged, quickly fire behind you to catch enemies off guard.
While on the ground, press R1 + back on left analog + O |
Gun Stinger
Ram your shotgun into an enemy and pull the trigger to hit them with a blast of pure, concentrated buckshot.
While on the ground, press R1 + forward on left analog + O |